Casino Night event to raise awareness for mental health and help provide a safe and fun evening for those who want to experience Vegas in Panama City. All monetary proceeds will go to The United Hands Project. Your sponsorship will not only help us provide food, drinks, and fun for a night, but it will also help tremendously moving forward to accomplish our goals of raising awareness for mental health, providing direct services, and equipping teens and young adults with the tools they need to be successful.
If you have any questions or comments or need additional information, please contact Sophia
Crittenden at (850) 960-8700 or Brittany Uriarte at (850) 853-1220 and/or email
We look forward to hearing from you and working together to “Educate, Equip, Encourage and Empower”.
*Disclaimer: There will be NO real gambling that will occur at our event. Our Casino Night is for
adults to have fun without the high stakes of Vegas.